How did Pele score so many goals?

How did Pele score so many goals?

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Pele is widely regarded as one of the greatest soccer players of all time and is known for his exceptional scoring abilities. There are a number of factors that contributed to Pele's success as a goal scorer. Some of these include:


1.Physical attributes: Pele was known for his speed, agility, and strength, which helped him outmaneuver defenders and get into scoring positions.

2.Technical skills: Pele had excellent ball control and was known for his ability to score from difficult angles and long distances.

3.Teamwork: Pele was a team player and often worked with his teammates to create scoring opportunities.

4.Mental toughness: Pele was known for his mental toughness and determination, which helped him stay focused and motivated during games.

5.Opportunism: Pele had a knack for being in the right place at the right time and was able to capitalize on opportunities when they presented themselves.

6.Vision: Pele had excellent vision and was able to anticipate where the ball was going to go, which helped him get into scoring positions.

7.Finishing ability: Pele was known for his excellent finishing ability and was able to score goals from a variety of different situations.

8.Practice and hard work: Pele was known for his dedication to practice and hard work, which helped him develop and hone his skills over time.

9.Coaching and training: Pele received excellent coaching and training throughout his career, which helped him develop his skills and become a top goal scorer.

10.Experience: Pele played professional soccer for over 20 years and gained a wealth of experience over that time, which likely helped him become a more effective goal scorer.

Overall, Pele's success as a goal scorer can be attributed to a combination of his physical and technical abilities, as well as his mental toughness, teamwork, vision, finishing ability, hard work, coaching, and experience.